About this web site

Goals: The goals of the Oklahoma Master Gardener web site is to provide the Master Gardeners and Coordinators of Oklahoma a more convenient and efficient way to report their volunteer and continuing education hours as well as being a place to receive news headlines about the Master Gardener program in Oklahoma to ask coordinators for more details.

Description: Each Master Gardener will have to sign up for an account providing an e-mail address, password, first name, last name, and county they are in. They can opt in to receive e-mails from the state coordinator about activities that are open to the whole state. Once created the coordinator for the county provided has to approve the new account. Once approved the Master Gardener can log in and report volunteer hours from the "Activities" tab or continuing education hours from the "Continuing Ed" tab. These reports can only be viewed by the County and District Coordinators who are responsible for the county the Master Gardener provided and the State Coordinator.

Those involved: David Hillock - State Coordinator, Lee Fent - Developer

Special Thanks to Oliver Wallace for his excellent assistance in developing this website!